Friday, July 30, 2010

If Drew can do it, so can I!

So Drew Carey lost 80lbs and he's looking really good. He say's health reasons & his daughter motivated him to shed those unwanted pounds. I read his regimen and let me tell you he is serious! To the left is his after photo and the one on the right is is before.Way to go Drew!
Read the whole story here;

Just saying "NO" to the word "EXTRA"!

I have no doubt in my mind that me using the word "Extra" in my everyday eating habit is why I've got these "Extra" pounds hanging off my belly or "mi llanta/my tire" is how I lovingly like to refer to it as.

Let me give you a couple example's;
I'm in the sandwich shop line and I tell the guy "Can I have some extra Mayo?", Or even last night at Chipolte I was upset at the guy who was going so fast preparing my order because I wanted "Extra" bell peppers....I can go on for days with my "Extra" rantings...chuckle

What need other then hunger am I trying to fuel? What am I not facing?

During my teen years I lived a very transient lifestyle, living on the streets is not glamorous nor is it stable. I remember being so hungry one time I had to beg a man to buy me a cheeseburger, I'll never forget the look he gave me when I asked him. Starring at me, judging me; finally he did buy the cheeseburger for me and I have never forgotten that moment nor will I ever! I use that memory as a marker of how far I've come in my life.

I've said all of that to say this; at times I feel as if internally something is telling me "Eat everything in sight because you may never know when you will eat again!" Rationally I know that I will eat again, that I'm living the most stable lifestyle I've ever had, that I have people who love me and would never let me starve...So why do I still feed that fear?

I was so busy helping a friend with an event yesterday that of course I didn't workout and this morning well that just didn't happen. So tonight I'm getting down to business and putting my goals first.

I am so hungry right now and I just want to eat the right thing, I'm telling myself "Get a salad" but then that committee in the back of my mind is saying..."But Ranch dressing is so fattening and you love it!" Oh what turmoil... ;o)

Indulgence, twin sister of guilt. - Madame Suzanne Curchod Necker

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I think I can, I think I can....

Let's make this one thing clear I'm not into crash dieting nor do I expect to be a size 0, I just want to live a healthy lifestyle....A Really, Really, Really, Healthy
So I told myself your gonna get your butt up at 6am every morning to workout, huh sure! Yesterday morning as the clock hit 6am and little gleams of light started to peer out from the blinds, I squinted my eyes open and knew I had a goal yet I still debated in my mind until 7:30am whether I should get up now or not. Disappointed in myself for not keeping my commitment I vowed to work out extra hard when I got home from work.

It's so easy to just come home and sit on the couch and do some mindless TV watching especially after a long day of working with the public! So I knew that once I started to feel a little too comfortable on that couch; I knew it was time to get my rear end up and I turned on a Billy Blanks 45 min Cardio DVD (Of Course I made Glen get off his rear end also so he could workout with me...awwhh How supportive :o)
We hadn't done that specific DVD, so it was actually pretty challenging. Billy B got down to business as usual with his Cardio & TaeBo moves. By the time we were done I was drenched in sweat. ( I like to refer to sweating as the fat leaving my body, it motivates me a little more...chuckle)

My legs felt like jello as I wobbled into the kitchen to fix me something to eat. I intended to do eat light but seeing as it was my first meal of the day I was hungry. I've got to work on my eating habits because only eating one meal a day and at night cannot be good for me. So I cooked up a little soy chorizo, fresh tomato, some pinto beans, and a corn tortilla of course ( well it was actually like three tortillas), again I'm trying here folks.

Warn out by the workout I was knocked out by the first 3 minutes of the 10 o'clock news. My eyes didn't open again till 7:30am this morning, see my pattern here? I am...So I just get to go home and have a really good workout. I really need to discipline myself to 2 workouts a day. I'll get there. I feel as If I have been squeezed by a trash compactor as I sit here typing this but you know what it's my bodies way of telling me "Were getting there!"

What steps toward personal growth are you taking today?

Write it down. Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant's into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don't just think it - ink it! - Author Unknown

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rounding the Base To The Big 3-0.....

Dare I say it? In 4 1/2 months I'm turning the Big 30, me? The one they call "Baby Girl" turning 30? Yes,that's me. Well it's not really the number that has me freaking out, what has me freaking is this;

Plain and simply why do I feel this way about my body? Shouldn't my body reflect the beauty I feel on the inside? Don't get me wrong "I Love Myself" more then I ever have in my life, so this being said I expect way more out of myself. I remember when I was growing up and the older ladies in my life use to say "You not going to be able to eat whatever you want when you get older" or "Your not always going to look like that." Well at the time I just thought they were bitter middle aged women with a little tinge of jealousy in their bones but I was sadly mistaken those were "Words of Wisdom", lesson's they already were experiencing or had experienced. I didn't heed that advice and continued to beat up my body for the next 15yrs or so with food or men it didn't matter.

Well today it does matter! About a year ago I swore off beef, fish & poultry. Leading this Vegetarian life isn't as hard as I thought it would have been, now at the site of raw meat I gag. So last year when I went Vegetarian I did it mainly for health reasons, I felt little heart palpitations and I just overall didn't like the way I was feeling on the inside, my body was sending my warning signs. I went on this major health kick and lost about 30 pounds, I thought I was indestructible. That is until I went on Vacay and never returned to my workout routine, so I'm sitting here writing this with my old friend "30lbs", she found her way back home to my ass very
I refuse to go into my thirties with these bad eating habits and this extra weight. All the good ole fashion diets say keep a diet journal. Tried it and failed, that is until they came out with

So I said all of that to say this; I WILL NOT go into my 30's feeling anything less then a bombshell. I have 41/2 months to get down to business. I'm not afraid to say it I'm weighing in like a heavy weight boxer @ 200lbs. My goal is to weigh in at 165-170lbs by December 22, 2010. I am hoping that writing this blog aka diet journal will help "keep my eye on the prize".
Well it's already day two since I've had this epiphany and I've woken up around 6am and worked out to my main man Billy Blank, man he really knows how to get a girl to sweat her butt off. Gonna work myself up to 2 workout sessions a day.
Mark my words this Capricorn has made up her mind....

“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”~Unknown

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hair Apparent?

It was Super Bowl Sunday, I wasn't watching the game and felt an erge to update my image a little..

As I was hypnotizing myself with the image portrayed by this 5 by 11 box of "Do It Your Self Highlights" I stood in that aisle posessed by no other option then to try to look like Sarah Jessica Parker or even dare I say it J-LO? ( Man I LOVE her hair) My resoning..."Irene you have above-average "Do It Yourself" skills, you can follow written directions and it's only $13 bucks!"

So you allready know I bought that box right? So then it's not surprising that when I stepped out that shower I looked like Carrot Top's sister! You know it's bad when it looks worse in the pony tail, spots all on my hair line, an ORANGE brassy mess..ugh For lack of better words "I Jaked" myself up!

My lesson...There are just some things better left for professionals, people with hair pit crews, and blondes!
In my opinion this Latina will embrace her newly dyed back to some what
original hair color and realize that this dark brown hair I was born with cannot be bought in a bottle or a box, it's mine... :)
Peace, Love & Hair Dye...

“This self-love is the instrument of our preservation; it resembles the provision for the perpetuity of mankind: it is necessary, it is dear to us, it gives us pleasure, and we must conceal it.”~Voltaire